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Thursday, 28 October 2010

shopping! :)

so we went shopping today :) holiday clothes you see, so happy with my purchaces.. so here is what i bought :

all of that came to like £19^^, all of the sales were on! uber awesome.
ive purchased some more stuff off ebay too, so when they come i shall show you all!
had a great day today honestly, we left the house at about 10:30, then got there, and we went into debenhams, and i was spraying all of the perfumes as you do, i smelled lovely :) (Gucci Flora;)) then we went into new look, then h&m and primark, suprisingly i didn't get anything from primark, i did try on a denim jump suit, but was too big :( and they had no smaller ones so i wasn't impressed. Hehe we also went into boots to buy a drink, and we were walking out and we saw a lady, and her hair was like.. urm.. lets say it looked like she has just been struck with 10000000000volts, was so funny, and i kinda stated laughing histerically in the midle of the shopping centre.. then my mum called me nasty :(
After all that, we went out for some lunch.. and we went too.... TGI FRIDAYS! (nomnom) oh gosh, it was bloody lovely, the food in there is so nice but so high in calories, i had a chicken finger blt, lmao scrummy!
Then we was on our was home, and there was a lady following us with a squished hamster in the front of her car.. yes you did read correctly A SQUISHED HAMSTER it was stuffed ofcourse ^^
thats all i have done today though.. apart from buying stuff on ebay, ive bought a playsuit and a pair of denim high waist shorts, i'm not sure if ill ever wear them, because they're uber short and i hate my legs, but maybe just maybe i will :D
2 weeks till i go to florida tommorow!
i really can't wait, i just know these two weeks, will go by uber slow, well actually its two weeks tommorow until i go to London, i don't fly till 2 weeks saturday, but my holiday starts 2 weeks tommorow okay ^^
well i'm watching Celebrity juice, with my doggys, and my little sister is asleep on the sofa D: she has been asleep since like 5! but yehh..i'm bored, and Alfie keeps barking at the wind! i mean what does he expect me to do, honestly he's so silly, but i love him!
anyways i'm going to go now!
Nicole xox


  1. i love the things you purchased.

    The white and the pink one with military buttons are my favorite. love


  2. ha thanks :) yeh i love the militay styled dress too! :)
