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Saturday, 23 October 2010

Goodmorning :)

So yesterday.. Well people had there opinions on what I was wearing, I was called everything, from someone who is going to ride a horse to a lesbian.. ( apparently I looked like a lesbian because I was wearing a blazer?) but some people did like what I was wearing so I was happy about that. Normally no one comments on what I wear mainly because I used to stuck to the boring usual jeans and converse and a hoodie, boring I know, but everyone had something to say yesterday even the teachers, I had stylish, and teachers liking what I wore and then my French teacher informed me that I looked French..
"criticise all you like, but I'll wear what I want!"
Anyway.. In other news it seemed to be a load of peoples birthday yesterday I was amazed, all the people I had to say happy birthday to on facebook, it was truely shocking. 5 months till my birthday yesterday ^^
I'm so happy I have a week off, i really do need it, however I have a load if homework:/
No Idea what im doing, nothing exciting I dont think.
Till next time,
Nicole xox