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Monday, 25 October 2010

if i said "i'm never bored," i'd be lying.

ive had a pretty good day today, i was sick of sitting on my laptop bored, so i actually found something to do ; I played on the wii! (wii fit plus) i enjoyed it, did lots of stuff... went to my grandma's house to and played on there wii! pretty good day! did over 2 hours of stuff, according to the wii, but it seemed like a whole lot more than that. ive decided i'm going to play on it everyday, because i feel great, and it's exersize. 
anyone else watch the xfactor? i get annoyed everytime i watch it, i only watch it for Aiden <3 & Cher, they're both amazing, but that bloody Wagner.. urghh.. he annoys me to death he makes me want to cry, he annoys me just as much as Jedward!
i'm going on holiday soon! ^^
honestly, i can't wait, i go to london on 12th November, and then fly the following afternoon, i'm going to London on the train, which i'm pretty excited about, and then flying on a VIRGIN plane :') i love virgin x) it's awesome, it's the only airline i feel safe flying with, i have no worries are nothing, i don't really know why. I'm off to Florida for all of you who don't know, so i'm having to be uber tight on money, because i want to have a huge shopping trip there, thats why i haven't been on a proper shopping trip in ages! :'( but it'll be worth it once i'm there, all the lovely  clothes i'm planning on buying! i was looking on the internet, and there is a H&M + Zara, and i remember from previous years that there is a Gap and a shop called Journeyz which i love, so i'm so excited! I'm also excited because the new harry potter world is open, and last time we were there it was still in the process of being built, so that will be pretty exciting.
update on little alfie:
he's fine, honestly, i couldn't believe it! he's jumping around playing as if nothing even happened, he's currently really annoying me walking across my keyboard, urgh.. but his ear is still in the proccess of heeling, ive had a look and it doesn't look too bad, there are quite a few cuts D: but he's fine which is the good thing.
my little sister went to her little friends party, and she had to go as her favorite actress or singer, and well she went as... CHER! (from xfactor) i did her make-up and hair :')
her make-up was really vibrant with a load of black eyeliner, and her hair can only be described as.. BIG! ha.. she looked pretty good, apart from the fact my sister has red hair, and Cher has brown hair. 
i spent most of the day on the wii, and at my grandma's house :) 

nothing else to inform you on, but thankyou for the comments!
puts a smile on my face!
till next time,
Nicole xox
aiden :')

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