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Sunday, 17 October 2010

busy weekend

Hello :)
so this may be kind of a long blog, an i'm sorry for that but it will contain some interesting stuff!
First of all, i came in from school on friday and my daddy told me he had sorted ebay out for me, and som stuff i wanted to sell was on, yay! and i was so excited, i really need some money! but anyway, this morning i got up and my dad told me someone had bought my violin, i was so happy, even happier when he told me i had over £30 x) ha.. i can tell you're reading this and thinking thats it?
well yeh.. thats it but to me £30 is a lot of money. We are having a non-uniform day this friday at school, and well i don't want to look like a twit, i mean my best friend always looks amazing, she has so many items of clothing, i'm so bloody jealous! thats what the money i make from my stuff on ebay, is going towards, clothes for next friday :) i was looking through my wardrobe, to see if i had anything decent, and i had a few bits and bobs, i decided i would go on an adventure into my mummy and daddys room to see what i could find, and i found this beauty:
 ha, i love it! it's one of my grandads suit jackets, i already have a navy one of his, and then i found this one and its smaller and fits almost perfect, so i think i shall be wearing this :) it's my great grandads jacket actually, we have a load of his clothes because when he moved he didn't have a big enough closet, and i don't really think he misses the clothes all that much, and i mean they are been put to good use, i love having a small grandad ^^ 
but anyway, i was thinking about what i could wear with this, and ive had a look on the interenet, and the decision is, some trousers, a vest and brogues. Currently i have a vest... i need to get some brogues and trousers, i went into my little town of consett to have a look, and i saw some really nice brouges in peacocks and they were only £16 so if i don't find any others it shall be them, ive been looking on ebay too, but havent been very succsessful :/ i shall keep looking, an i have found a load of pairs of trousers which i like, its just choosing th right ones now. When i eventually have everything i shall upload a pic, it will be a rubbishy picture because it will have to be taken on my phone, but ill live until christmas! ( not long now! :'))
So anyways, whilst i was in town yesturday i decided to buy some stuff i needed, my dad payed for it all which was very nice of him! 
i bought:

my hair gets really greasy really quickly, so i heard about this stuff, and it was only like £1:49 from homebargins, and honestly its really good!

i needed some more of this x) never used this brand before, but its the only one they had in the shop so i just got it! bargin at only £1:99 :') 
i also got some deodorant, an some body spray x)
Last boring story i shall bore you with ^^
i went to my dads cousins house, i call her my auntie :'). We go sometimes just for a drink and a bit of a gossip, and well thats what we did, ofcourse i wasn't drinking *winkwink* but as soon as it got dark, we had a fireworks display! it was well good! pretty funny too, i know its not bonfire night yet, but we decided to have a mini one, it was awesome, i shall upload some of the video's, all rubish quality by the way :')


hehe.. so i hope you enjoyed that :) i have some more pictures to share with you, but i shall leave them till later!
Till next time,
Nicole xox


  1. You've reminded me to put some money in my pocket to get some dry shampoo tomorrow I'm almost out I've had to use it two days in a row- that is how lazy I am and I need to decide what to wear for friday. Don't want to boast but I'm the best friend ^^) here i am > xx

  2. Oh I love the last picture.
    And cool jacket!

  3. Congrats on making money via ebay - How exciting! That suit jacket is aweeesome. BTW, Thanks for your comment, I'm definitely going to look into that camera! x

  4. ahaa.. it really is exciting :) & thankyou it is pretty awesome ^^ & it's okay :) xx
