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Tuesday, 19 October 2010

i think i'm happy.

so ive eventually ordered everything for friday.. pheww..
i didn't get the gorgeous trousers from Zara in which i wante, but i got some pretty stunning ones from river island, ive only just ordered them and i'm expecting them for friday? bad idea i know, but ill live. My brogues have been ordered for a couple of days now, so they should be here tommorow ^^
i'm kind of regretting ordering the trousers, because i don't know that they will match, but fingers crossed.
i'm watching don't tell the bride at the moment, i'm so bored, ive done a loa of homework, and i'm fed up. I have a mock maths exam tommorow, and i hav to go help with this little athletic competition in the morning, i'd love the day off.
short post for once :)
till next time,
Nicole xox


  1. Ah - how exciting! You'll have to post pictures when they come in. I'd love to see your purchases!

    KF x

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  3. i will post pictures as soon as i get the items :) & thankyou, and i sure will. :)
