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Thursday, 30 December 2010

up close and personal...

...with a christmas preasent from my friend! (Rebecca)
well, for christmas,  Rebecca bought me a Pixie Lott ticket - her mummy also gave me a gift set thingy ^^. Anyways, when i went to drop off her preasent; on christmas eve, she handed me another gift- it was for myself & my sister. It was a photo album of pictures from Pixie Lott it's super cute, and i felt the need to show it you all! enjoy:

eee.. ill keep it forever, i just love it! today i spent bored, and being lazy ha! then i felt bad and tidied the whole kitchen! washed the floor and everything :') then i went in the bath, and now i'm sat in the living room with my pjs on. i just randomly took a picture of my dog and my hair- because my hair today looks really nice, it's super curly and i havent even touched it!

HA! what a crappy picture, i'm sure you'll live. Do you agree when i say, alfie looks pretty miserable on that picture? hm.. i think it's because he has been split from Molly for such a long time- isn't our fault, Molly wont have him near them! Oh and we I named the puppies! (Buster,Jackson,Ellie & Poppy) i shall show you a picture of each one another time, there super big now, and i don't know what ill do when they're gone. Urgh.. febuary don't come too fast ):
anyways, have a good night!
Nicole xox


  1. Nice post, hehe Alfie looks tired :(


  2. Your dog is so super cute. I want to see pictures of Buster, Jackson, Ellie & Poppy : )

    KF x
