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Wednesday, 29 December 2010

traumatized, i tell you.

yesturday, some day that was. We went out for some lunch and well whilst sitting-waiting, this lady who was super drunk, said to me and my dad 'you look too happy, are you newly married?'
i think i died inside, it was either a compliment to my dad or an insult to myself, and considering people think my dad is 40 when he's only 35, i think it was an insult. Then she showed us a doll, which you pulled and it said '---- you!' hm /: she also called my useless, and i was like her daughter. She was lovely honestly.
so now, i'm traumatized that i look like a 40 yr old woman.
that night i spent- eating sweets, watching films, sitting with my doggy urgh..
today has been spent doing the same in all honesty. i was also looking for a littler camera bag, some new trousers, tracksuit bottoms and pc games. so now you know my life story :D
i will now share with you some pictures that i took yesturday, enjoy:

good afternoon, lovelys.
Nicole xox


  1. Your story is a perfect example of why you should never trust the judgment or take notice of anything that comes from an overly boozed woman. haha Lovely photos- your dog is so cute!
