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Tuesday, 21 December 2010


4 days till christmas, can you believe it - 4 little days :')
ive finished wrapping preasents for my friends, all thats left is too give them out. Tommorow- we are going into Newcastle, mummy and daddy need to finish off little bits of christmas shopping, i'm hoping to be able to persuade them to let me buy a dress, i kinda don't have anything to wear christmas day, although i am getting some clothes for christmas, urgh.. i really want a dress ^^
& we are going ice skating! YES! i'm so excited, it's been over 6 months since i last had my ice skates on and i miss them, i can't wait to get onto the ice. It's an outdoor rink they have in newcastle during winter, it's small but i really like it, i just can't wait.
Christmas eve, we are going to see Alladin, we often go see a show christmas eve, we also have a gingerbread house & buns to make (:
I'm so happy at the moment, christmas is such a great time of year, don't you think?
Have a great christmas everyone!
Love you all,
Nicole xox


  1. Ok you made me excited- even more
    Just pretty please beg your mam and dad for a dress but make sure you get some shoes to go with it I did ;D x

  2. These pictures are adorable! I'm SO excited for Christmas! I hope you have a good one : )

    KF x

  3. thankyou for the comments, have a great christmas! :) x
