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Sunday, 9 January 2011

sorry about the last couple of posts they have been super boring & slightly depressing. i'm in a pretty good mood today because- I WENT ICE SKATING! ahh yep. i used to go to lessons on a saturday/sunday and well we have been since early in 2010, and we went back today after texting our old private coach and she gave us all the details, i was slightly worried we wouldn't be able to get there as it snowed over night D: but we did and it was great! i enjoyed it so muchh! can't wait to go back next weekend. anyways, i thought i would do an outfit post today becausse i was super bored and wanted to keep my mind off of my homework. This isn't what i wore to go ice skating- but i changed once i goot back so her you go :

skirt-f21knitted vest-vintage-grandad's.
yep.. i have such stumpy leggs, not really the best for ice skating, but ill live. & the close up on my eyebrows is awful because my eyebrows fail (x
ha, well thats all. hope you've all had a good weekend.
Nicole xox