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Friday, 21 January 2011

at long last.

yep, since the exam is over and i have time. i'm going to share with you the stuff i bought and what i bought and what i plan on wearing for a friends party tommorow. I'm going to start with the outfit because basically everything i have on is stuff i bought :)

(top-primark,skirt-primark,tights-?,shoes-f21,bag-h&m) ha, so the top,skirt and bag were all bought last saturday (: and here is what else i bought:

the two first tops, were bought from a little vintage shop and i got them both for only £7! & the skirt was in the sale at h&m for £5, i'm sorry about the picture of the skirt but it was kinda crappy to take a pictue of and it were the best i could do(: So the exam went okay i think ive done okay. Tommorow i'm going to my friends 14th Birthday party i bought her the best preasent ever and i will take a picture of it before  i give it away, i'm hoping to see one of my friends at the party who i havent seen in about a year so that should be good- Sunday i'm off ice skating again hopefully. Tonight i'm plannning on sitting and relaxing and eating some of the apple crumble my sister has made, i'm eating way to much at the moment.. and i'm not gaining weight but neither am i loosing it, next week i'm going to stop eating at school again just to loose a little bit of weight.. i still eat when i get home (: HA! ive was looking on youtube for a free fitness video and i found an abdominal one.. gosh does it hurt, but ive been doing it every night for the past three night.. it really hurts but i'm hoping, maybe i will eventually see results :)
so yeh.. thats all i have to say.
have a good weekend!!
Nicole xox


  1. Hi!
    I'm emailing you to let you know that I am awarding you a stylish blogger award the details are here

    Have a lovely day

  2. so pretty¸!that outfit rocks, i like the whole black and white look with red lips, and the shoes, adorable,check out my current giveway !xx
