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Friday, 14 January 2011

ready to hit the streets.

well today i'm ill once again- went into school and they send me home after one hour,yay. Tommorow i'm hitting the streets of newcastle for some good old shopping with friends; I can't wait. My mum told me about this awesome little vintage shop, which i can't wait to visit and hope i pick up something good. Decided not to go see Diva Fever- it shall be super busy and full of people who are in love with them, and i'm not (': so i shall be shopping with one friend whilst the others go off to see them. Have to be ready for half nine in the morning, and i havent even decided what to wear- its always the hardest part. I'm taking my camera, but don't really know if i shall get any pictures-ill try (:
going to head off to bed so that i can get up in the morning (x lets hope i'm better by then.
Nicole xox


  1. I was thinking of taking my camera too to do a post like emma did here

    Maybe I'll pop it in my bag- if it fits xx
