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Thursday, 18 November 2010


ha, so here is some more pictures its just a few, my computer is being idiotic and wont let me upload any more so this is all i can show you for now. My holiday so far has been amazing, we went to see the new harry ptter castle in universal, and honestly i was literally speechless i couldn't believe how good it was, i shall try to upload some picutres of the castle later on today. BUT today we are going to disney, well not till 4pm it's Mickey's very merry christmas, and i'm uber excited, i may be like 14 but when it comes to things like this i'm very alike a 5 year old  (': ohh and yesturday i won a teddy! it's an elephant actually, you paye $5 and this dude would either guess your age, weight or month you were born, so i did it and asked him to guess my age, he said 15, which was uber close but not correct i was chuffed! :D
anyways, tommorow i think we're going shopping so that should be fun!
goodbye for now!

Nicole xox


  1. Wow, you really enjoy your vacation huh?
    It's so Christmas there in US, not like here. huhu


  2. ha, yeh its been awesome so far & yes, christmas everywhere slightly over the top in places but its great (:

  3. wow, nice photos
    i like youre blog so im youre nwe follwer, would you please follow me back :)?
    kisses from Spain
