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Tuesday, 1 November 2011

I'm not you now that would be disastrous.

ahh hello.
So okay, i think i'm going deaf AND ive been listening to the same song on repeat all day so can't stop singing it. (Ed Sheeran-You Need Me)
anyway, thought i'd upload some pictures that ive took with my camera recently of myself and new stuff which i have bought.
today isn't a good week:
-French speaking exam on Wednesday
-Year since my Granddad Eddie died on Friday.
Though Saturday i do go see Arctic Monkeys with my best friend, which will end a bad week VERY WELL! i can't bloody wait. Ill need to be cheered up.
My mum does have her vintage stuff on eBay, and I've set up the blog but i need to put the items on and i'm planning on doing it ASAP,  click here and its a link to the eBay page for all the things my mum is selling, there is some amazing things, check it out!
haha amazing buy, Matalan reduced from £18 to £5, belt i dont have a clue were it came from.


yayay, RED JEANS-new look BEATLES T-H&M CARDIGAN-grandads:)
this bag is one of the beautiful items my mummy is selling, I LOVE IT, and want it. Please check out what else she is selling!
thankyou sooo much.
Nicole xox

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