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Wednesday, 25 May 2011


WOAH- so much has changed.
so em.. ive done 3 exams out of 10 or 11.. Another one friday. I don't really get worried about exams until the night before, then i forget everything and PANIC.
Nothing very exciting has happened recently, life's as boring as ever. ('part from the whole 'end of the world' thing) i can't help but worry about the end of the world now i try to forget it but its too hard. I built up the nerve to actually find out stuff on the internet and i'm kinda okay now. Although there is different opinions i have found that i shouldn't worry because it might not happen.. all the reasons for the world to end in 2012 aren't 'really' scientific.. but yeah i'm not as worried and feeling a little better about the whole thing.
So today after school i went to a little place called 'finishing touches' and em booked myself in for and eyebrow and eyelash tint.. so i booked myself in and it cost a whole £22.29 getting it done next tuesday and i can't wait.. can't wait to see how it looks. Anyways she said she had to do a patch test and i knew that.. so i waited and i was expecting a little dot behind my ear.. HELL NO! i currently have a '10p' size circle behind my ear and she expects me to keep it there for 24 hours no way am i going to school like that so imma' wash it off early-rebel i know.
OHHH and the last thing.. its my sisters birthday soon, and we are going to and indian resturaunt on her actual birthday.. but for something for her friends we are staying over at the posh hotel were my dad works (manager^^) and my sister said i could invite one of my friends; HOW NICE IS THAT?(': but yeah obviously REBECCA is who i invited& i can't wait were getting our own room ad going out for a posh meal, it'll be like a posh sleepover. CANT WAIT. something that should cheer me up and just what i need for a break from exams.
I'm sorry its been such a long post but i thought i'd update you, because i was talking about blogging today with my friend and it reminded me how much i used to love doing this! so yeah.
Nicole xox
i havent changed!(':

1 comment:

  1. Hey you! :)
    Must decide what to pack I need to decide on the dress I'm thinking of taking- if it's too nice so I'll have to see what your taking :) xx
