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Friday, 22 April 2011

can't believe i'm about to say this.. but i'm falling for you.

ahhh.. yeah post title is a long story but anyways i'm sorry. i can't say that i'm going to get back to blogging because if i'm honest i probably won't.. it's so hard. I have so many exams coming up and the amount of work ive got to do is actually crazy, my social life is failing(not that i ever had a very good social life) but yeah i have two weeks off for easter and well ive been given so much work to do i might as well still be in school.. i had to go in two days for revision and one day i had to go in for a trip which was pathetic but yeah. Now i'm just worried that i wont get any of the homework done, ive had a week off and only started one piece of work.. urgh but yeah. I'm sorry and ill try to blog as often as i can unfortunatly that won't be often becuse i have some serious exams coming up. Hope you're all good and well.
Nicole xox