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Thursday, 3 March 2011

it's been a mont; and im the sorriest person ever!

well yeh- im so bloody sorry. its been like a month since i last updated this blog and i feel sooooooooo bad. but hello there. em well since we last talked i made the final decision on what i would like for my birthday (blackberry) i had a week off school and stayed at a friends house and had a whole load of fun and welll im going to tell you because im happy now its done.. my grandad was burried. So now im back and school and its such a horrible place im so happy thats its friday tommorow- not that i have very good lessons on a friday/: i have physics homework to do and i really cant be bothered; my pysics teacher gave us an exam paper to sit and do and i really dont want to. But at the minute im at slayley hall- my dad works here at its like an expensive posh hotel^^, but we stay here quite often with my dad working here, but we have had such a nice meal and now we are sat in the room relaxing:) my grandad was buried yesturday so its kinda a 'treat' to cheer us all up. So here is some pictures i took tonight whilst at slayley hall- i found a new way to upload the images, just me being silly- i hope to speak to you all soon! - enjoy!

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Nicole xox